The ultimate Network of business technology.
The ultimate Network of business technology.
Creators of the first Bulgarian network working with new generation intelligence.
A team of ambitious, creative and innovative people gathered in one place to make it easier for people around the world!
OkoAI is an innovative business technology for developing and improving design using artificial intelligence.
Saving time and money si guaranteed with us. We offer fast and quality production of your projects.
SOMETHING NEW, SOMETHING DIFFERENT - contemporary and broken creation of unique sites and advertising materials distinguishing your brand.
You will get more information about our services here.
The professional and high-quality development of your projects to achieve your goals is extremely important to us.
The projects created by us are original and identical in accordance with your requirements and tastes. Each client is offer a unique vision individually created for them.
Saving time is a priority, both for us and for you. We care about expeditious and responsible work on your projects!
The prices are based on the time to execute the project and depend on the complexity of its implementation and the details included in its creation.
OkoAI Information & Offers
Detailed information about all services and prices can be seen by clicking below Read More.
The pleasure is ours!
March 23, 2023
Added a new menu navigations, Created a entire new website for our store. - www.okoeye.store
More information about the update can be read on our discord server!
Feb 22, 2023
You can see the code on our business cards or just hover your mouse over here.
March 02, 2023
We are happy to share that after several months of hard work, we finally managed to realize the project and share it with you.